So we are driving along the New Mexico Highway and it just turns to a nice gravel road then just a straight up dirt road. The road follows down an old canyon bottom and has a somewhat strong stream running along it. But, there aint no one there or using it. So, we saw some nice sandstone formations and just decided to stop in the middle of the highway and take a little snack and play break. Just turned the cruiser off and left the doors open right in the middle of the throughfare

Finally got to Oklahoma. This is just West of Black Mesa. But would not recommend Black Mesa as a destination.
Made the drive up to the Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Colorado intersection. This was a nice time. Some had stole the benchmark from the monument. When they catch that person they are subject to a 500 dollar fine or imprisonment. I think they should just throw them in the pokey for messing with such an important point.