Our Dog Jake

Our Dog Jake
Jake's a happy dog

Saturday, March 29, 2008

"The Swing" and Newest Black Sand Beach -more Day 4

I was not sure if we'd be able to find the swing that we found by accident last year, but we did. It was just as cool as we remembered it. It's hidden in a rain forest area with volcanic rock cliffs. It is beautiful and so fun to swing out over the ocean.
Then we headed to a the newest black sand beach. No swimming here - too rough - but it's very beautiful. This small town has been "put on the tourist map" with the natural development of the beach and lava flow that destroyed much of their town. Go figure. They are doing the American thing with it; making $$ on it! Funny thing is that they have the "free Hawaii" upside-down Hawaii flag and a whole exhibit set up dealing with how Hawaii should not be a part of the US and whatnot.

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