Our Dog Jake

Our Dog Jake
Jake's a happy dog

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Victor, Co - Old Gold Mining Town

At the end of Gold Camp Road is the old mining town of Victor, CO. They have a handmade broom shop there that back in 2005 I purchased a medium hand broom from and they are still there hand-making brooms. The town itself does not seem to be doing very well. More buildings boarded up than the last time we were there.

They have plenty of these old mining carts around town, some with flowers, some with rocks, this one with a Luke.

Luke is learning about the Gold Rush in school right now, so he really found all of the old mines and equipment really interesting.

This tire is from a 3100 ton truck and it cost $25,000. wow. It is really big. If you are interested in a little bit of the business of mining gold currently, check out this site. CC&V is the mining company in the Cripple Creek and Victor area now.

The kids would have climbed around on this tire for a long time had we let them and we would have have 150 pictures of it. Each time they were at the top they wanted a pic snapped! :)
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