Our Dog Jake

Our Dog Jake
Jake's a happy dog

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Bigger than a Tootsie Roll Pop!

I snatched the kids from school right after they blew the tornado sirens in Edmond. I was leaving the library - the drive from the library to their school never seemed to long! When Gary England said that a tornado was on the ground at Kelly & Sorgum Mill, we were almost in our neighorhood. We made haste to the cellar! There were a lot of prayers sent up and they were heard. We are all safe & sound with no damage at our house.

After the "all clear", we went out to assess the scene and collect some evidence.

Here's some of our collection of hail stones. They were loud on the metal door of the cellar!

When the excitement of the day was nearly over, JB decided that we needed to go get gas in the FJ. He burned up what was in the tank flying home. He said that he took full advantage of his vehicles capabilities! Many of the surrounding roads were closed or traffic backed up as far as the eye could see.

Raven & Luke were ready with their "proper percautions" for the storms and knew that their prayers were answered when they saw how near the tornado was to our home.

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